• Earn up to
    50% commission!

  • High conversion rate
    while helping people!

  • Long term

Join the movement (and get paid)

The Vessel is a platform providing cutting edge knowledge that speaks to your nature, helping you to break through your social conditioning and meet the unexplored potential you carry within.

You can support the movement by promoting products on The Vessel and our distribution partners (such as Ideapod and Hack Spirit).

Here's how it works:

  • Apply to join our affiliate program, and if approved you'll get access to email templates, banner ads and affiliate links.
  • Promote our products by sharing your unique affiliate links. Visitor clicks on an affiliate link on your site, in an email you send, or from sharing via social media.
  • We log the visitor's IP and a cookie is placed in their browser for tracking purposes.
  • The visitor enters our marketing campaigns, and may decide to order.
  • If the visitor orders (the order need not be placed during the same browser session--cookies and IPs are stored indefinitely), the order will be registered as a sale for you.
  • We will review and approve the sale.
  • You will receive commission payouts on a monthly basis.

Earn up to 50% commission!

Not only can you join our movement and help spread the word about important tools for self-knowledge, you can get rewarded for your efforts.

Our system tracks referrals and pays high commissions for every client you send our way.

High Conversion Rate = More Money!

The Vessel and our partners provide not only some of the highest quality products in the self-development industry. We also have very high commission and conversion rates, meaning you financially benefit from promoting high quality products.

To immediately understand our focus on quality (and see our accompanying focus on conversions), we suggest registering for one of our free masterclasses or virtual summits.

Long cookie duration.

If a customer comes from your affiliate links to sites, and then comes back to purchase in 30 days, you get credit. Even if you send someone to a link on The Vessel and they subsequently purchase a different product via one of our partnering websites (such as Ideapod), you'll still be credited with the sale.

That's it! You support the movement, we send you money!

Signing up and getting your account configured couldn't be easier. You can be promoting our free events and products in as little as five minutes.

Start making money now!

There is no charge to join our Affiliate Program.
We pay commissions for all sales you referred.
Earn up to 50% commissions

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